As a gun owner in North Carolina, you have to follow numerous state and federal gun laws. You are restricted in how you can obtain firearms, how you can transport them, where you can take them, where you can use them, and when you can sell or give them away. While North Carolina law dictates many aspects of your firearm ownership, federal law applies too. In particular, the National Firearms Act (NFA) heavily restricts the sale, transfer, or purchase of certain types of weapons.
Purchasing a Handgun In North Carolina
If you wish to own a handgun in North Carolina, whether you are going to purchase it from a dealer, buy it from another individual, or receive it as a gift from someone, North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) §14-402 states you need:
- A handgun purchase permit
- Concealed handgun permit
You Are Not Allowed To Buy or Own a Firearm as a Convicted Felon
NCGS §14-415.1 makes it unlawful for anyone who was previously convicted of a felony to buy, own, possess, or have in their custody any firearm or weapon of mass destruction. If you were previously convicted of a felony anywhere in the U.S., then a gun purchase or concealed carry permit will lawfully be denied. You are not entitled to purchase, receive, or have any gun.
If you are found in possession of a firearm with a felony conviction on your record, you will be charged with a Class G felony. This is a mid-level felony, punishable by between eight to 31 months in prison. Your final sentence will take into consideration your criminal history.
Potential Consequences of a Weapons Offense
If you are charged with any type or level of firearm offense, you need to speak with an attorney. If you are convicted of a crime involving a gun, you face:
- A permanent criminal record
- Imprisonment
- Fines and court fees
- Probation
- Difficulty finding or keeping a job
- Difficulty continuing school
- Loss of a professional license or inability to obtain a license
- Difficulty finding rental housing
- Changes to your immigration status
- A reduction in your child custody or visitation
Bail Bonds Information
May 1, 2019