Don’t trust Law & Order or NCIS as a source for all of your information regarding America’s court system. Just because you’re an avid crime-related television show watcher, doesn’t mean you know everything about the legal system.
When a friend comes to you begging for you to help bail her boyfriend out of jail, what do you do? Be prepared for taking on some responsibility. Cosigning on bail bonds come with certain responsibilities. If those responsibilities aren’t met, you could find yourself dealing with some pretty big ...
The purpose of detention or imprisonment is to make sure that a person shows up in court for judgement, making the risk of the person not showing up one of the biggest determining factors for bail. In our justice system, you are considered innocent until proven guilty in court, so the amount set ...
If you have bailed someone out of jail or are considering bailing them out, you probably want to know what happens if they skip their court date.
A judicial official such as the court magistrate is the one who determines under what conditions a person will be released from jail.
What Is A Bail Bond? Bail bonds are a type of security for the court in which the court agrees to release the defendant before the trial, so that the person will not have to spend time in jail and he or she will have an incentive not to run away, due to the fact that the bail quantity will prevent ...
A bail bond agent, or bondsman, is any person or corporation that will act as a surety and pledge money or property as bail for the appearance of persons accused in court. Although banks, insurance companies and other similar institutions are usually the sureties on other types of contracts (for ...