Going to jail after being charged with domestic violence means that you could be staying there for the next 48 hours. This is because North Carolina often initiates a 48-hour hold on the person who is charged with this crime. The purpose of this hold period is to prevent the victim from facing retaliation from the abuser.
What About Bond for a Domestic Violence Charge?
A judge or magistrate has 48 hours to set a bond when domestic violence is involved. This is the maximum amount of time that is allowed. However, whether you get bond, as well as the amount of bond that is set, and bail for domestic violence is determined on the nature of the crime.
What is Domestic Violence?
For many people, a physical altercation between spouses or those who are involved in a domestic relationship is what comes to mind when you hear the term, “domestic violence.” However, it is not always obvious what type of domestic violence has occurred. In addition to a physical altercation, this type of domestic violence can also include intimidation, forcing someone to take drugs or preventing them from seeking medical treatment.
Other types of domestic violence include emotional abuse and economic abuse. Emotional abuse is also sometimes called psychological abuse. This happens when someone terrorizes, dehumanizes or otherwise causes them to be distressed psychologically. Economic abuse can take the form of blocking the person from accessing their bank account, withholding money from them or stopping them from going to work.
The term, “sexual domestic violence,” often brings to mind rape and/or the use of coercion or force to engage in sexual activity. However, sexual domestic violence doesn’t have to be only physical. It can also be verbal pressure, sexual advances that are unwanted and unwelcome sexual comments.
How Much is a Domestic Violence Bond?
When setting bond, the judge or magistrate examines the nature of the domestic violence. For a physical alternation where no harm was caused or misdemeanor domestic battery, such as grabbing or a slap, the bond could be set from $500 to $1,000.
Sexual abuse, on the other hand, could result in a bond that is thousands of dollars. Those crimes that are even more serious than that, such as severe bodily injury or attempted murder, there might not be a bond set at all.
How to Get Bail for Domestic Violence in North Carolina
While it can seem difficult to get bonded out of jail in North Carolina, if you are charged with domestic violence, it doesn’t need to be. If your bond is an amount that you cannot afford, Big Mike Bail Bonds is here to help. Serving Wake, Sampson, Duplin, Johnston and Harnett counties in North Carolina, Big Mike Bail Bonds is affordable and efficient in getting you or your loved one out of jail quickly.
At Big Mike Bail Bonds, we believe that bad things can happen to good people. Even a small mistake can land you in big trouble. With our experience, we can get you out of jail and on with your life. The team at Big Mike Bail Bonds will help find the best bond for you with affordable options. We serve Raleigh, NC as well as areas across Central and Eastern North Carolina including Wake, Johnson, Sampson, and Harnett Counties. If you have questions or you or a loved one needs help covering costs to get out of jail and through the bail process, call Big Mike at 919-934-5656 to see how we can help!
Bail Bonds Information
April 5, 2022