If you or someone you know is facing legal trouble, knowing your options and understanding the process of getting out of jail is crucial.
If you are arrested and do not appear for your court date, a warrant will be issued for your arrest. This is known as Failure to Appear (FTA). Failure to appear for a mandated court date is a violation of the bail term and is punishable by bail revocation.
If you or a loved one has been arrested, you may be feeling overwhelmed and confused about what happens next. One of the first things that will happen is that the judge will set bail. But what does it mean to be released on bail? Here’s a quick overview from your friendly neighborhood bail bondsman.
If you've just been arrested in Raleigh, you may be feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about what comes next. You're not alone – many people find themselves in this situation every year. This blog post will outline what to expect after being arrested, so that you can prepare yourself for the road ...
When you’re arrested, one of the first things that happens is a hearing to determine whether you’ll be released on bond. There are two types of bonds: secured and unsecured. So what’s the difference? Read on and you’ll find out.
If you’ve been arrested in North Carolina, you may be wondering how the bail bonding process works. This article will provide an overview of how bail bonding works in NC, including the different types of bonds that are available. If you have any questions after reading this article, don’t hesitate ...
If you have been arrested for DUI, the first thing you will want to do is post bail. This will allow you to get out of jail and start working on your defense. In this blog post, we will discuss the process of posting bail after DWI arrest. We will also provide some tips on how to make the process ...
Being arrested is a stressful experience no matter the circumstances. The first thing on your mind is probably how to make the bail bonds process go faster so you can get released as quickly as possible. In most cases, the process will move along quicker if you use a bail bond company rather than ...
If you’ve ever been arrested, you know the importance of posting bail. But do you know how to do it correctly? There are a few things you need to keep in mind when posting bail. In this blog post, we will discuss the do’s and don’ts of posting bail. We will also provide some tips for making the ...
When someone gets arrested in Wake County, North Carolina, not much is private. However, when you post a bond or obtain a bond from a bondsman, only general information about the bond will become public information. If an individual posts the cash bail, that person’s name will appear in the court ...
Going to jail after being charged with domestic violence means that you could be staying there for the next 48 hours. This is because North Carolina often initiates a 48-hour hold on the person who is charged with this crime. The purpose of this hold period is to prevent the victim from facing ...
Each year, more than 128,000 people enter the North Carolina jail system. If you are like most people, one of your first thoughts is how to get out. Fortunately, the majority are offered the option of paying bail in exchange for their release. If you’re not able to pay the bail set by the ...